Our Food Network Premiere was on Jan 10th 2011 at 10 PM Central . The show has aired many times since, and response has been greatly appreciated. Thanks and hope to see you again .
We started our rooftop garden in 2007
It was featured on the cover of The Spokesman Review 's magazine , Down To Earth.
This year we plant
Edible flowers
Chives and herb varieties.
Many are Heritage or Heirloom varieties.
Our Meat program includes natural products that contain no artifical ingredients and which are minimally processed. All our pork ,for example,
comes from Hill Meat Company out of Pendleton ,Oregon. (No relation ) in which are known for thier natural pork products which meet or exceed USDA inspection
Lentz Spelt Certified Organic Emmer Flour, from the Palouse, is what gives our breads a real nice texture ,
awesome flavor and added nutrition. Aswell as "Shepherd's Grain" flour which are from the tri state area. Click on link below to learn more.
Hills' Restaurant and Lounge
"The same neighborly attitude and atmosphere that made Hills' first
restaurant a local classic has been transported to a new , airer home across from Aunties' Bookstore.
Hills' still serves some of Spokane's most satisfying salads, including the succulent Southern Fried Chicken
Salad ($9) with chunks of crunchy - breaded bird enlivened by a zingy mustard dressing.
Chips made from local potatoes can accompany any one of the 11 burgers and sandwiches, but the restaurant's premium offerings
are the steaks. Serving Brandt True Natural Beef, Hills' offers diners a choice of six steak cuts ($15 -$28) and 14 freshly made sauces ($1.50 - $6)
ranging from bistro (Gorgenzola) to cuisine (Bernaise). And if the day's menu includes fresh sorbets or ice creams, save room - Hills'
makes them from scratch."